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Construction Law



This subject is one of the major subjects in the quantity surveying course as being a quantity surveyor we need to be well versed with contracts in constructions, methods to resolve disputes and etc. Hence, this subject has relevance to the previous subjects learned, Professional Practice 1&2. With the guidance of a very experienced lecturer who is from the industry, we had the chance to understand clearer on the topics we covered. For this module, we had the opportunity to learned about FIDIC (International  Federation of Consulting Engineers) and also CIPAA (Construction Industry Payment Adjudication Act).


The assignment given was a Case study assignment where a workshop was conducted by a special guest, Ms Eugenie, a contractual expert based in Singapore. As for this semester our main focus was to study about the FIDIC contract, we were assigned to conduct our assignment based on the FIDIC contract. To bond the relationships of the students, the workshop and the assignment was conducted together with the semester 5 students. Workshop assignments were never easy as we had time constrains to complete it within 2 days. This helps us to prioritise our time and also trains us to work under pressure. The assignment is accessed through a presentation at the end of the second day of the workshop. Based on all the question from the case study, each group is required to present a random question form the list. This teaches us to be ever ready and prepared for any problems that may arise in the working world. 



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