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Development Economics



Development Economics feels like a continuation of Building Economics as some of the things we learned are related. However development economics helps us understand the procedures of developing a project. I would say it is a bigger picture of what we learned in building economics as a whole.



This assignment is a group project where we formed a group of 8 students in total. We were assigned to draw up a financial appraisal of a project which consists of the residue method of valuation. Team work is vital in this assignment as each question depends on the prerequisite question to be able to continue. Because of such constrains, we had to understand what was going on throughout the entire appraisal. Apart from that, this assignments also requires us to present out work to the lecturer. From the presentation, we had feedback from the lecturer and the comments were really helpful as we understand what it would be like in the real world when a financial appraisal is conducted. 


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